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Praying Like Jesus in Lent

A message from Pastor John Morgan

Lent and Holy Week Events


Local Pilgrim Lent Devotional

Daily Devotionals for Lent

This Lenten Season we are using a daily devotional from the Presbyterian Outlook. The devotional invites you to explore and observe new and familiar places in your community. What will God reveal to you when you pause, ponder, and reflect?

Each daily reflection, beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating on Easter Sunday, will combine personal reflection, scripture, and prayer. Whether you prefer to get the devotionals all at once or in a daily dose, in print or digitally, we have options! 

  1. Sign up for daily reflections by email or text: Daily Text Message or Email Opt-in
  2. Download the entire devotional booklet (PDF): Complete Lent Devotional Booklet (PDF)
  3. Download the coming week's devotionals through a link in the weekly Looking Ahead email (PDF).
  4. Pick up a print copy at the church.

One Great Hour of Sharing

Providing safety, sustenance, and Hope

One Great Hour of Sharing is the single largest way that Presbyterians join together to share God’s love with our neighbors in need. And the needs are many– homelessness, hunger, and suffering in our own country and in so many parts of the world.

Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing bring help and hope through three programs– Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People. These programs work in different ways to serve communities and individuals in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, they provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Please prayerfully consider giving to this special offering. You may mail a check to the church office with “One Great Hour of Sharing” on the memo line. Envelopes will be available in the April church bulletins. You may also contribute directly by clicking below.

God calls us to reach out. We can make a difference.

“I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prion and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36

Thank you for your support and caring.

Families Growing Closer to God in Lent!

During this Lenten season, families are encouraged to pick up or print a Lenten Family Bingo card. These cards are designed to help kids enter the season of Lent at a developmentally appropriate level, emphasizing that Lent is about coming closer to God. Click the image below to download and print the card.
Family Bingo Card
Learn more about the opportunities for children and families to worship and grow during the season of Lent and beyond in this article from Melody Dillon, Director of Children and Family Ministries.

Continue the easter Journey

Soul Feast Study with Pastor Pam begins April 25

Join Pastor Pam in this 7-week class as we continue the Easter journey to discover spiritual practices that will daily awaken us to the Divine within us, within others, and around us.

Soul Feast Study with Pastor Pam
Fridays, April 25 - June 6 • 10:30am
Room 220

Continuing the Easter Journey through Eastertide

Please sign up here so we can order books.

Sign me up!

Learn more about Pastor Pam's inspiration for this class and the background of the Soul Feast book in this blog post.