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College and Students

Williamsburg Presbyterian cares deeply about being involved with our neighbors at William & Mary, as well as any student who may call the church home. We want each student to know that no matter what aspects of church life they are involved in, they are wholly welcome here.

UKirk WilliamsburgUKirk Williamsburg

What does UKirk Mean?

UKirk means University Church
(U for University, and Kirk, the Scottish word for Church)
UKirk stands for Universal Love

UKirk Williamsburg is the name for the college ministries based out of Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. UKirk Campus Ministries are part of a holistic faith community for students, intentionally open to all. Our ministries and activities are not limited to Presbyterians, or even Christians for that matter. Our goal is to provide a space near campus for all students to feel safe, affirmed, and supported just as they are, for who they are. We aim to give students a safe and caring spiritual home for their continual growth through all aspects of faith within our community and beyond. Regardless of how you connect with us, UKirk is a place where questions are the most important thing, they aren’t ignored, every question is addressed, curiosity is encouraged, and topics are talked about with an accessible vocabulary. All of You, Welcome Here!

Students are welcome and involved in all aspects of church life

Tuesday Dinner & Dialogue

Need an escape from campus food? Looking for a place to question and consider things from new perspectives? Join us for a homecooked meal and open discussion each Tuesday at 6:30pm in the UKirk room. Meals include vegan and other dietary options desired by students.

Wednesday wonders

Wednesday Wonders: Join us for weekly fellowship as we learn and grow together. Each week of the month has a different theme:

  • 1st - Favourite Foods
  • 2nd - Art & Music
  • 3rd - Life Skills
  • 4th - Caring Crafts
  • 5th - Community Spirituality

Join us for one of all from 7-8pm each Wednesday.

Westminster Ringers

This is an intermediate to advanced level bell choir specifically for college-age ringers. Some ringing experience and music literacy is preferred. The choir rehearses Thursday evenings 7:30 to 9:00pm, exploring the creative frontiers of this emerging genre using a wide range of repertoire, and participates in worship several times during each semester as well as at Grand Illumination. Contact Norman Elton for more information.

Retreats, Conferences & Service Trips

Each year we participate in a number of off-campus events, and all are welcome to come along to any or all of them. Some in 2024-25 include:

  • September 21: Service Day with Habitat for Humanity
  • October 4-6: Fall Retreat
  • November 3: Service Day with Dreamcatchers
  • January 2-5: College Conference at Montreat, NC
  • April 4-6: Spring Service Retreat
Internships & Employment

The church that hosts UKirk, Williamsburg Presbyterian, offers a number of internships, from positions working with Youth and Children to Organ Scholars to Social Media interns to positions for those interested in both professional or lay ministry. In addition we are sometimes looking for help with music and childcare. Contact Campus Minister “A” Williams for more information.

Music & Worship

Singers and musicians are always needed and welcomed by our two directors of music: Chris Bechtler and Norman Elton. Choir meets on Wednesday nights at 7pm and is always open to new members, To get involved in other ways, reach out! We invite all to join us for our Sunday and special worship services. Sunday services occur at 9:30 and 11am, and you will receive a warm welcome from all (both students and our membership).

Affinity Group Gatherings

We offer a number of Affinity Groups including ones related to Mental Health, the LGBTQIA+ Community, and Grad Students which gather monthly to support one another and discuss issues as they connect to faith and to campus.

Second Families

In addition to scheduled programs, our church community supports and cares for students in more personal ways. We offer a second family program that matches interested students with church members providing a family here for sharing meals with, pets to play with, or help with transportation or other needs around town. Sign up at this link (to Student 2nd Family Form on Shelby) if interested

Student Care & Connections

Our Campus Minister "A" Williams is also available to support any needs a student may have, through food or coffee at local restaurants, a person to talk to, someone to help a student get meds or make it to a doctors appointment, or just an escape from campus life. Just let him know what you need, or check Instagram to see where he is having "Office Hours" each Monday.

Upcoming College AND Student Ministry Events

All Events
