Recurring Gifts

Establishing your regular giving to WPC via recurring gift simplifies and takes the guesswork out of fulfilling your pledge or making your offering to WPC.
If you have not already taken advantage of this capability, now is the time!
- Visit through your web browser.
- Click Sign In at the top of the page. If you have not already established an online giving account, click Create One. Otherwise, just sign in.
- Once signed in, click Recurring in the middle of the page, below the WPC logo stripe.
- Enter your recurring gift amount in the appropriate giving category. For example, 2025 Pledge Giving.
- Scroll down to select the frequency, number of gifts (leave blank if you prefer indefinite), and start date.
Pro tip: for annual Pledges (or offerings), set the frequency, number of gifts and start date to match your Pledge plans. For example, specifying Monthly, 12, and 1/15/2025 will result in 12 monthly payments in the amount you specified from January 15 to December 15, 2025. If you already have a 2024 recurring gift without a number of gifts specified, you might want to modify it to end by December 31, as you set up your 2025 recurring gift to start in the new year.
- Select your payment source, consider helping to offset our processing costs, and click the Submit button.
It is that simple.
You can return to to manage your recurring gift at any time.
If you have questions about your online giving account or creating a recurring gift, please contact the church office for assistance.
Thank you for helping us to streamline our office processing and make your regular giving to WPC easy.