Guatemala Mission
January 5, 2022
In 2012 a group of nine church members went on the initial mission trip to Guatemala...
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the WPC Christian Outreach Ministry seeks to witness the work of God in the world, so that all are nourished in body, mind, and soul. We celebrate every person's unique gifts to serve the children of God throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ. We are made up of eight teams with more than seventy team members, and hundreds of volunteers who are engaged in our Outreach ministries.
This team supports the UKirk College Fellowship program and the activities related to campus ministries. It provides students a safe and caring spiritual home for their continual growth as adults through worship and service within our congregation and beyond.
Because we have been entrusted to care for God's creation, the team conducts activities to clean and protect our earth and educates our members on how to integrate sustainable environmental practices individually and as a church body. WPC is an Earth Care congregation.
WPC serves God in the world with covenant partnerships with churches in the Congo and Guatemala. We helped build and contribute to a church and school in Chajul, Guatemala. We support missionaries in Congo, Guatemala, and the Middle East.
This team serves the poor and homeless in our community by conducting hands-on work in home construction, food preparations and delivery, collecting and delivering dry goods to food pantries, and runs the hypothermia shelter at WPC. The team also provides funding to 18 local organizations who serve our neighbors. WPC is a Hunger Action Congregation.
This group of talented and dedicated volunteers provides comfort through the giving of prayer shawls and other handmade items. They have provided knitted hats for FISH, baby blankets for Avalon, and blankets for babies and prayer shawls for our Covenant church in Chajul, Guatemala.
Twice a year, teams of male volunteers are formed, trained and participate in a highly structured 4-day workshop, sharing Christ's transforming love and forgiveness with prison residents and their families. Prayer groups of prisoners form with monthly follow up meetings.
In response to international crises, our Refugee Resettlement Team, coordinating with Commonwealth Catholic Charities, adopts displaced families and facilitates their transition and integration to the Williamsburg community.
Supported by the generosity of our congregation, the Team furnishes an apartment and provides cash and gift cards for supplies, food, and clothing to the family. Additionally, Team members provide transportation for appointments, Literacy for Life lessons, shopping, and fun times at Kidsburg.
Join our Refugee Resettlement Team
PCUSA has two special offering drives each year, organized by this team. One Great Hour of Sharing supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Hunger Program and Self-Development of People. Joy Gift supports church workers in need and provides financial assistance to Presbyterian racial and ethnic colleges.
WPC welcomes a team of seven visitors from Guatemala April 17 - 21. Click below for a message from our friends and partners in this longstanding relationship. For English auto-translation, click "CC" in the lower right of the frame, and then click the gear setting, click "Subtitles/CC," and click "Auto-translate" to pull up a menu where you can select "English."