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Seeds of the future

Williamsburg Presbyterian Church has formed a Legacy Giving Program. This program is designed to provide for the long-term mission of the church, ensuring there is funding for new ideas and initiatives while also extending existing programs.

Let’s show our gratitude for God’s manifold blessings.

All of us are indebted
to the past,
to those who preceded us.
We drink from wells we have not dug.
We enjoy liberties we have not won.
We share faith whose foundations
we have not laid.
At the same time,

We are the seeds of the future

for those who will succeed us. We dream and envision and set things in motion. The fruition of our decisions will be known only to others whom we will not meet. We are called to partner in faith with those who have gone before us and to offer the best that we have to those who will follow.

What will your Legacy Be?

Legacy gifts can be structured many ways. Below are brief explanations of eight ways that people plan their legacy gifts for entities such as Williamsburg Presbyterian Church.

A GIFT in your Will, Trust or other Beneficiary Designation

A bequest can be written to give a stated amount to any charitable organization you specify, a percentage of your estate, or a residual amount after expenses and other bequests have been deducted. 

Useful information for making a bequest to WPC.

Charitable IRA Rollover (QCD)

An individual aged 70 ½ or older may make direct gifts from an Individual Retirement Account up to $100,000 per year. These Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) are not subject to federal or state taxation.  If you are age 73 or older, the QCD can also count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD).

Gift of Appreciated Stocks

Gifts of appreciated securities may offer the benefits of reduced tax liability while furthering a charitable goal. Using appreciated securities that you have held for over one year to make a charitable gift may avoid the long-term capital gains tax and possibly allow you to deduct the full fair market value of the stock.

Gift of Insurance Policy

Giving life insurance may offer you benefits, and a chance to make a gift when other options are not feasible, policies may no longer be needed or serve the purpose for which they were originally intended, such as a business that no longer exists, or for children, or loved ones who may not need the additional income.

Gift of Real Estate

Real estate can provide unique giving opportunities, particularly if it has increased in value. Sizable, capital gains often occur when property that has been held for many years is sold. A gift of real property should be readily marketable for sale.

Retained Life Estate

A residential property (or a farm) may be deeded to a charitable organization and the donor reserves a life estate for the balance of the donor(s) life or lives. This transfer allows the donor(s) to receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction for the value of the gift.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust is a way to make a future gift to the Church or its mission while receiving income during your lifetime. The trust may offer certain tax advantages as well. A charitable remainder trust involves an irrevocable transfer of assets to a trustee and the creation of a trust agreement. The trustee manages assets and makes payments to the income recipient.

Charitable Lead Trust

A charitable lead trust is appealing to individuals who may be subject to a large estate tax. The donor establishes and funds an irrevocable trust. The charitable beneficiary named by the donor receives payments from that trust, usually for a set time of years. At the end of the term, the trust assets are returned to the donors’ estate or passed on to heirs.

The Cornerstone Society recognizes those who make a gift now or identify themselves and make a commitment to the Legacy Giving Program. That commitment could be through including WPC in your estate planning, and it could also be through a contribution from current assets. Either of these actions demonstrates your commitment to strengthening and extending the mission and ministry of the church for the benefit of this and future generations. As a member of this society, you’ll receive regular communication on our progress.

To express your interest to become a member of the Cornerstone Society, please complete the online form by clicking below.

I am Interested in becoming part of The Cornerstone Society

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions? You are not alone! Click on the questions below for answers to common questions. And if you don't find what you need here, we are always available to speak with you. You can contact us by email at 'legacygiving@mywpc.org' or by calling the church office at 757-229-4235 for assistance.

What is a legacy gift?

A legacy gift is a gift of assets which you direct to WPC either during your life or as part of your estate.

What is the Cornerstone Society?

If you notify WPC of a contribution to the Legacy Giving Program, you will be a member of the Cornerstone Society.

What types of donations can I make?

You can make an immediate donation (of any amount); designate IRA proceeds to be paid to WPC; gift appreciated stocks; gift real estate; gift insurance policies or proceeds; or arrange for a gift to be paid after your death. See “Types of Legacy Gifts” for more detail on these various options.

Can I designate where I would like my money spent?

Yes, you may designate where your gift is to be spent. However, our Legacy Giving Program promotes undesignated gifts as a priority, allowing flexibility on how your gift may be used in the future.

How will the Legacy Giving Program spend the money that is raised?

The Resources Ministry at WPC has the authority to use undesignated gifts for the most important priorities at WPC. These could be inspiring new ministries and programs; expansion of successful existing programs; or funds set aside for current needs of the Church. Each year the Resources Ministry will evaluate these opportunities. At the present time, one of the priorities is to fund the Capital Reserve Fund at WPC.

How does the Legacy Giving Program differ from WPC’s Endowment Fund?

The Endowment Fund is restricted; we can use only the income from the Fund each year to make grants in certain categories. The Legacy Giving Fund will be unrestricted and can use principal as well as income, if needed.

Whom should I notify if I am including WPC in my estate planning?

You may complete the online form HERE, email , or call the church office at 757-229-4235 for assistance.

How should I designate Williamsburg Presbyterian Church in my will?

Whether you intend to leave a specific dollar amount, a specific property, or a percentage of your residuary estate, your attorney will draft language to accomplish your intended bequest under applicable state law. Sample gift language (for review by your attorney): “I give to Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt religious organization located in Williamsburg, Virginia 23185; tax identification number 85-2255776, the sum of $____________ [or property described herein] [or ____ percent (____%) of the rest and residue of my estate] to be used by the Church for its general purposes.”

What if I don't have a will?

Monetary gifts are welcome at any time, but it is through the process of our own estate planning that we can make a truly lasting impact on the mission of Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. We strongly encourage you to consult legal counsel on the importance of preparing a will.

Do you have a list of estate planning attorneys with whom I might consult?

Yes. Please email to obtain a partial list of attorneys in the Williamsburg area who are available to consult with you.

Is there a minimum amount that I must give in order to be part of the Cornerstone Society?

There is no minimum amount, and no gift is too small. The size of your planned gift is irrelevant and you will not be asked or required to divulge the amount, terms or conditions, if any, attached to your planned gift. We do plan to include a roster of Society members in the annual report to the congregation. Even so, if you wish to remain anonymous, your wish will be respected.

Will my gift be made known to others?

Not if you wish to keep it confidential. If you want to remain anonymous, we will keep your name and your gift in confidence, and your name will not be published.


In the video below, you can learn about the formation of the Legacy Giving Program, how it fits into the funding structure at Williamsburg Presbyterian, and ways that individuals can participate. This is a recording of a presentation given by committee member Allen Thomas during the May 7, 2023 luncheon.

Narrated Presentation

Want to know more?

We welcome your inquiries! If you have questions or would like to learn more about the program, you can contact us by email at , or by calling the church office at 757-229-4235 for assistance.