2 Thessalonians 1:3 “We must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters, as it right because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of everyone of you for one another is increasing.”
Paul knew the power of a thank-you. “We must always give thanks to God for you.” The Thessalonians were going through some rough times and Paul knew they needed a little encouragement. He was thanking them for the wonderful way they were growing in their faith. That growth was evident in the way their love for one another was increasing.
I am convinced that saying “thank you” is a wonderful way to build one another up in our congregation. We have so many brothers and sisters for whom we are thankful, that we could find ourselves “always giving thanks.” A heartfelt “thank you” can really lift your spirit and inspire you to grow in your love for others. If you have ever received a surprise “thank you” note from someone, you know the power of a “thank you.”
It would be great to decide you are going to adopt a ministry of saying “thank you” and look for opportunities to thank your brothers and sisters for the ways they enrich your life, serve the Lord, and build up the church. Some of you are already experts at this.
Paul lets the Thessalonians know of his gratitude, but he also is wise to give his thanks to God. We give thanks to God “from whom all blessings flow.” So, when we give thanks to God for someone it is a type of prayer we offer for them. As we offer our sincere “thank you” to God for one another, we will find our love increasing as the power of “thank you” spreads amongst us.
By the way, thank you for reading this article and considering how we might build one another up in love.
Peace, John