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Outreach Ministry Highlights

September 05, 2024

With the generous financial and volunteer support of the congregation the Christian Outreach Ministry’s nine teams have had a busy and productive 2024. Here are some highlights:

Hunger and Homeless spearheaded WPC’s participation in the Meals on Wheels “Summer Meals for Kids” Program. Following a successful “psrking lot” food drive in May, WPC volunteers and friends met every Wednesday from June through August to prepare 300 lunches a week for needy school children.

Earth Care held a “Clean the Bay” Day at York River State Park in June with seventeen members spending a Saturday morning cleaning the shoreline and trails of the Park.

Campus Ministry wrapped up another successful year with a cookout and recognition of our graduating seniors. The team already has a slate of exciting events planned for the coming year.

Global Missions continues to provide financial support for missionaries in the Congo and in Lebanon/Syria, as well as to our sister churches in the Congo and Chajul. Recently, this team hosted also our brothers and sisters from the Central Presbyterian Church in Guatemala City for what was a rewarding week of activities and fellowship that brought our congregations closer.

Refugee Resettlement has guided our Afghan family to a place of financial independence this year. The team continues to provide transportation, tutoring, and other help as needed.

Prison Ministry was at the Nottoway State Prison from May 29 – June 2 participating for a Kairos workshop with prison residents. Members of the congregation baked one thousand cookies to support the workshop.

Tutoring completed its second year of providing reading and math tutoring to K-4 students at Matthew-Whaley Elementary School. The team is gearing up for the upcoming school year.

Special Offerings was recently recognized by the PC(USA) as being one of only 49 congregations support the “One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)” for 25 consecutive years. OGHS raises funds to support Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Hunger programs.

Kirk Knitters meet every month to craft hand-made products for a variety of recipients in and out of the congregation.

You are warmly invited to participate in any of the activities of the Outreach teams. The church bulletin and mywpc.org contain information about upcoming events and feel free to contact Jim Winthrop, Outreach Ministry Moderator, for more information.

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