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Global Missions Sponsors Guatemala Team Visit

September 05, 2024

GLOBAL MISSIONS Sponsors and Encourages a visit from la Iglesia Presbiteriana Central in Guatemala City

From April 17 to 23, 2024, the Global Missions team was thrilled to host a seven-person team from Guatemala. Team members were hosted by three WPC households: Linda and Jay Eaton, Caroline and Louis Weeks, and Kathy Matsushima, and members of the WPC family provided warm hospitality throughout the visit.

The Guatemala team included:

  • Noe Ramirez, Christian Education Moderator
  • Claudia Ramirez, Head of Deacons
  • Vicente Castaneda, International Fellowship
  • Sheny de Ramirez, Moderator of Women’s Missions
  • Lopsany Godinez, Sunday School
  • Diego and Alejandro, Youth Fellowship

The team was warmly welcomed in the Sanctuary by Pastor John and Pastor Pam. After a typical US lunch at Retros, we moved on to the Salvation Army to assist food distribution. There was much merriment and amazement. Dinner that night was at Sal’s, followed by an Outreach Committee meeting that focused on individual outreach missions.

Friday noon, we met at Jamestown for lunch and a guided tour by Rich Watkins. We crossed the James on the Ferry and dined at The Surry Seafood Company.

Saturday morning was a bike tour in the park next to the Jamestown property. Some members of the team went to a William & Mary soccer game. That evening we had Pierce’s barbecue at the Archibalds.

Sunday morning, the team attended both services with greetings and gratitude presented to the congregation by Vicente Castaneda and Noe Ramirez. Linda Eaton provided the translation. Pastor John wove warm greetings into his sermon and expressed hope for continued communication. We attended the Presbyterian Women’s luncheon which explained the Fish mission in Williamsburg, and also supported Fish financially. We finished the afternoon with an organ concert, part of our Open-Door Concert Series.

Monday, we had a tour of the Colonial Williamsburg churches, and a lovely late afternoon dinner at Kathy Matsushima’s home. There were tears and hugs before the team’s departure for Guatemala.

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