The mission of the Fellowship Class is to grow in our understanding of the Bible; to grow in relationship to Jesus Christ and to one another; to grow as committed disciples following closely the teachings of Jesus.
A recent Fellowship Class concluded with Paul’s summary of spiritual growth, but it is also a perfect example of what is happening in our Sunday morning gatherings:
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.
–1 Corinthians 3:6
Usually about 30 adults from college on up, both singles and doubles, gather to explore the Bible, chapter by chapter, in a series of lessons prepared by dedicated teachers. Together we learn from the Bible, the teachers, and from each other's comments. The format is part lecture, part discussion, to help reveal the spiritual truths found in the Holy Scriptures.
The Class typically alternates its study between the New Testament and the Old Testament. In the past, the class has studied the Gospels, the life of Joseph, the life of David, Exodus and the Minor Prophets.
The Fellowship Class meets at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings in Room 009 on the lower level. We encourage and welcome you to join us in our Bible study and fellowship.
For more information, contact any one of the class coordinators: Larry Pulley or Allen Hogge.