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Children, Youth and Parents

But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”

Luke 18:16-17

Christian Education

Throughout the school year, from 9:30 to 10:30am on Sunday mornings, we offer classes and events for children and youth that provide opportunities to examine God, themselves, the church, and the world and how all of these connect to their lives. Classes are organized by developmental levels. Beginning at 9:15am, we invite students ages 4 through grade 12 to gather together in Room 220 on the Second Floor where we provide creative tools which allow them to learn at their own pace before heading to their specific classes with their teachers.


Mile Markers:  Baptism to confirmation and Beyond

Life is full of mile markers, places we remember passing as we roll along the road of life.  Our faith is full of these mile markers as well.  With that in mind we have created a program to connect special moments in life with important pieces of the faith journey.

Read More 

Children in Worship

During in-person services of worship, we offer worship bags for families with children. The bags are located in the narthex and the hallway between the sanctuary and the church office. We regularly update our worship bags with information, activities, books, worship bulletins, and family supplements to connect children and families with the texts and subjects of the day. These bags also include manipulatives that help children connect to other parts of the service such as music, the confession, and prayers at a level they can understand. Additionally,our Sharing Faith with Children helps present the themes of the day in ways that are accessible to all ages. We also have two children's choirs that rehearse regularly and give children the opportunity to participate in the worship service several times per year.

Childcare for Infants and Toddlers

Sundays, 9am – 12:15pm

One of the first impressions that young families gain of a new church may be in the church nursery.  At Williamsburg Presbyterian, infants and toddlers receive loving and nurturing care in the Infant and Toddler Rooms.  Childcare for infants and toddlers is available for both worship services (from 9am-noon), and for many other events occurring in our church throughout the year.

Our Director of Child Care leads a highly qualified staff of child caregivers, along with church member volunteers, who provide a warm welcome for infants and young children – and their parents. The Nursery is staffed primarily by students from The College of William and Mary.  All staff members are background checked (as are all volunteers over the age of 18), and Pediatric CPR and First Aid certified.

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer with this ministry, and get to know the youngest members of our congregation, please contact the Church Office (  or 757-229-4235).

Children's choirs

Carol Choir: Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Junior Choir: 3rd through 5th Grades
Carol Choir -  Rebecca Elton
Junior Choir -  Chris Bechtler
Both choirs rehearse Thursday Afternoons 4:30–5:15pm at the church

Our children's choirs offer fun and welcoming environments for students to explore and nurture their creative and spiritual gifts, to grow in faith, and to experience the meaningful contributions they can make by sharing music in worship and praise.

The Carol Choir welcomes our youngest musicians in Kindergarten through second grade, and the Junior Choir is for our older elementary students from third through fifth grade. Both choirs work on vocal and handbell music, which, in addition to being fun, gives our participants a more well-rounded background in music.

We know that your child’s education is important. A child that participates in our choirs from Kindergarten through high school will become musically literate, allowing them to enjoy and participate in the musical life of any church or community they become a part of as adults. Participating in a choir can also be an important part of a child’s spiritual development, providing many opportunities for meaningful discipleship. And it's a great place to meet new friends!

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, children ages 3 through 5th grade, alongside teen and adult volunteers, enjoy an exciting week full of music, crafts, snacks, recreation, art, and science.  There is plenty of fellowship, as well as a local mission project.  VBS typically takes place each week day from 9am to noon, during the last week in June. 

WPC Families

WPC Families is truly for all kinds of families, but what makes it special is that the events planned under this banner intentionally take our youngest members into account. Children are not just welcome, but the events are built with them and the dynamics of their families in mind.

Contact Melody Dillon for more information.

Family Matters

Join us as we share, question, grow, and learn together how to create a solid Christian foundation in our homes. This class focuses on topics regarding family life and we select our study topics together. We meet in room 012 (also known as the UKirk room) Sundays at 9:30am.

Contact Rebecca Elton for more information.


We strive to provide opportunities to educate and support parents through church school classes, educational programs and other resources. This includes our FAITH AT HOME Materials.  Please note that this is a password-protected page. Contact A Williams to access these resources.

We seek to help fulfill our baptismal promises to our children together.  Contact "A" Williams with any questions and to find resources that are right for you.

Child Protection and Safety

Protection of the children under our care is a high priority at WPC.  Please refer to our Child, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy for an outline of our policies and safety procedures.  If you would like to opt-out of use of photos of your children for promotion of programs and ministries, you can find our photo opt-out form here.  Please contact "A" Williams with any questions or concerns.