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Giving at WPC:

How to, ways to and
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

TAX-Wise ways to give to WPC

In addition to the traditional ways of giving via credit card or check, here are three, simple and tax-wise ways to contribute to Williamsburg Presbyterian Church.

1. IRA Charitable Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution)
If you are 70½ or older, you can make a tax-free transfer of up to $100,000 per year directly from your IRA to WPC. If your spouse has a separate IRA account, you can each contribute up to $100,000 per tax year. This qualified charitable distribution (QCD) can satisfy all or a portion of your required minimum distribution (RMD). The transfer does not generate taxable income or a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you don't itemize your deductions. You don’t need an attorney to make this gift; simply contact your IRA administrator. Find more information about IRA giving here

2. Gift of Stock
Gifts of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, or mutual funds held for more than one year) are easy to make and may provide a greater tax benefit than an equivalent gift in cash. A gift of stock owned for more than one year entitles you to an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the donated asset. If the stock has appreciated, you may also avoid any capital gains tax on that appreciation. We recommend initiating a gift of stock by December 15. Please contact Stephen Foster at (757) 229-4235 or for the WPC stock transfer instructions.

3. Gift through a Donor-Advised Fund
If you have a donor-advised fund, you have already enjoyed a tax deduction and earmarked these funds for charitable purposes, so why not put them to use right away at WPC?  Donors may recommend a grant or recurring grants to the church through a donor-advised fund by contacting the sponsoring organization such as Vanguard, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon.

As always, please consult your own financial and tax advisors before making any gift that has tax implications. For questions about making year-end gifts to WPC, please contact Stephen Foster at (757) 229-4235 or .

Make a Difference

Check out our Giving FAQs

Why we give?

Williamsburg Presbyterian Church depends on faithful acts of financial stewardship to carry out our ministry in Williamsburg and around the world. Annual pledges from longtime members, new members and friends of WPC are vital to the ongoing ministries of our church. 

Our ministry investment apportions 27% of projected income to support Worship, 23% toward Christian Education, 40% in support of Mission and Outreach, 5% toward Member Care, and 5% to support our Presbyterian partnerships.  In addition, WPC members routinely and generously contribute to specialized mission appeals and designated funds.

How can I give securely?

Williamsburg Presbyterian Church offers the convenience of online giving.  It is simple and secure.

  • Donations may be made on a one-time or recurring basis.
  • Creating an online profile will make future online donations quick and easy, but it is not necessary.
  • When making an online gift, please consider helping to cover the cost of service processing fees.
  • For additional Online Giving Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
  • To access online giving, click here.

If you have questions regarding online giving, please   or call the church office at 757-229-4235.

Does WPC Accept Non-Cash gifts?

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Williamsburg Presbyterian Church accepts for immediate sale gifts of appreciated securities transferred by DTC to the church brokerage account.  These gifts can provide a charitable deduction for the market value of the security while avoiding taxes that may be due on the appreciation.  Check with your tax advisor.  For more information or for gifts of stock, please contact our Director of Finance and Administration, at 757-229-4235.

Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are over age 72, you may wish to consider direct transfers from your IRA to Williamsburg Presbyterian Church.  These gift transfers are not deductible for tax purposes, however, are not counted as taxable income and help meet your Required Minimum Distributions (up to $100,000).  Please consult with your tax or financial advisor if you are considering a QCD.  For more information, please visit the IRA CHARITABLE GIFT page.

Where can I find giving statements and annual reports?

ONLINE DIRECTORY Users:  your WPC giving records are always at your fingertips!  Here is how to find them:

  1. Login to your online directory account, or visit the URL https://mywpc.shelbynextchms.com
  2. Click on My Giving on the left menu, or the button on your home page (or Giving tab when viewing your Profile).
  3. Summary information about your pledge status and total giving is shown at the top of the page. Scroll down to view your detail giving records.
  4. If you would like a quick copy of your giving statement:
    1. Click Statement at the top of your Giving page.
    2. Select the date range you would like using the date filters.
    3. Click to either Download PDF (print file) or Email Statement.

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