Easter Sunday Services 8am • 9:30am • 11am
Worship Lent

All are welcome to our in-person Easter Sunday worship services at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am. You are also invited to join in our tradition of flowering the cross on Easter Sunday. Bring a fresh flower stem (or two or three) to weave into the cross standing outside the sanctuary and help us create a glorious reminder of Easter morning!
Our 9:30am service is available by live streaming; click WATCH WORSHIP SERVICES at the top of this page to join us online. Residents of WindsorMeade and their guests are invited to join us online in Windsor Corner.
Our 11:00am service is broadcast on WMBG 740 AM, 93.5 FM and wmbgradio.com.
There will be no coffee fellowship or Sunday School classes on Easter morning.