PW Circle 14 - Cynthia McGraw
Presbyterian Women
Circle 14 is about 13 active members and was established in 1989. We are very social and keep it simple, gathering before each meeting for very light refreshments and a little social time before we begin our lesson guided by the Horizons PW study guide.
In December, we meet at the WindsorMeade Club House and bring sandwiches to share, cookies and chips, and enjoy the wonderful Christmas decorations. And, we end our program year in June with a luncheon in a local restaurant; a very popular event.
Missions are important to Circle 14. We support a student from our sister church in Chajul, Guatemala and always look forward to news from our sponsored student. We also support all WPC PW local missions and PW functions, help with luncheons, UKirk suppers and meal projects. We joyfully bake at the drop of a hat!
Join us! We love visitors and new members.