Thoughtful Christian Class
October 26, 2020
What is the Thoughtful Christian Class? A conversation with current class...
Human, you have been told what is good and what God demands of you — to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8
Our faith and fellowship groups come in many forms. Each group has its own feel and direction, but all of them balance a core of community fellowship with space where individuals can form, frame, forge, and fasten their faith and lives together in creative ways.
On Sunday Mornings we have a number of regular adult education classes that meet at 9:30am. Each encourages thoughtful discussion mixed with loving support. Occasionally we also have special topic classes. There are no prerequisites; drop-ins are always welcome. You can find a list and more information here.
We have a number of additional faith and fellowship groups during the week. Many are focused on scripture studies, but there are also a number of support groups, advocacy groups, small groups, dinner groups, pub and coffee groups, book groups, creative groups, and seasonal groups. Some are for specific groups and some are for everyone. Start your exploration here, learn more and find a group that's right for you!