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WPC is an Earth Care congregation

Because we have been entrusted to care for God's creation, the team conducts activities to clean and protect our earth and educates our members on how to integrate sustainable environmental practices individually and as a church body.

WPC is is a certified Earth Care Congregation by PC(USA). Earth Care Congregations across the country share a  mission to promote faithful stewardship for Creation.

Learn More from PCUSA

Why Should We Care for the Earth?NASA Blue Marble Earth

From the beginning in Genesis and continuing throughout the Bible, God has created and has called humans to be good stewards of all of Creation. This call is rooted in the human vocation of “tilling and keeping” the garden from Genesis 2:15, as well as Christ’s charge to work with the most vulnerable. Because of their love for Christ who is firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1:15), churches are challenged to live in a manner consistent with God’s call. Our response to this call is to reflect how we use our natural resources and be proactive as a faith community to restore God’s creation in a sustainable way. Our Earth Care committee provides educational and hands on activities to show how we can respond as Christians to global and local issues regarding environmental justice and ecological fairness. We also find time to enjoy renewing our spirit by being outdoors in a kayak, on hike or visiting special areas.

Earth Care Mission 2024-2025: Living Waters

The theme for the church in 2025 is A Time to Flourish. Our focus is on allowing all life to flourish by protecting and preserving our Living Waters. This year, the Earth Care Committee will promote and support efforts for providing safe clean water for the earth and its people.
  • What can each of us do to use water wisely daily?
  • What can we do to help make sure there is enough clean water to nourish the environment around us?
  • What can we do to help our neighbors near and far who are in crisis because they do not have access to clean water?
Water is the world’s most basic resource. It is a gift from God that sustains, supports, and gives life and is worthy of our time and treasure. Let us explore the ways we can help. .


The Earth Care Committee is planning a variety of programs to explore ways that we as individuals and as a congregation can act to protect and preserve living waters, enabling all life to flourish. From virtual presentations and guest speakers to in-person discussions and meals, there will be many opportunities to get involved! We also hope to have some fun outdoors and enjoy Creation firsthand in fellowship and thanksgiving.

Upcoming Activities: