The Presbyterian Women of WPC invite the congregation to join them in a prison ministry sponsored by Grace Inside to provide inmates with a gift of personal items at Christmas. This ministry means so much to the inmates. It sends the message that even though they have made a mistake, people still care about them – God still cares about them.
The items are limited to:
- One toothbrush in its original container,
- 6.0 oz of toothpaste,
- 2.6 oz stick deodorant,
- 15 oz body lotion, and
- 18 oz of shampoo.
Amounts cannot be exceeded. The Presbyterian Women are happy to purchase items if you wish to give a cash donation instead. Each gift costs about $7.25. All items or cash in an envelope should be placed in the box marked “Fluvanna” in the Welcome Center through October.
Questions may be directed to Pat Underwood